Groot Logo



Activates or deactivates the immersive 8D audio mode.
Aliases: 8_d


Activates or deactivates the bassboost mode, adjusting the intensity of low-frequency sounds.
Aliases: bass


Activates or deactivates the chipmunk mode, changing the audio playback to a higher pitch and speed.
Aliases: squirel, chipmunks


Activates or deactivates the daycore mode, adjusting the playback speed without altering the pitch.
Aliases: dcore


Activates or deactivates the mode for slowed and reverbed audio, creating an immersive, echoey sound experience.
Aliases: sandr, sr


Activates or deactivates the nightcore mode, increasing the speed and pitch of the audio playback.
Aliases: nc


Activates or deactivates the slowmo mode, reducing the speed of the audio playback.
Aliases: slowmode


Activates or deactivates the speedup mode, increasing the speed of the audio playback.
Aliases: speedup


Activates or deactivates the terriblebass mode, significantly distorting the low-frequency sounds.
Aliases: tbass


Activates or deactivates the vaporwave mode, slowing down the audio playback to create a nostalgic or dreamy sound effect.
Aliases: vapor


Activates or deactivates the vibrate mode, adding a pulsating effect to the audio playback.
Aliases: shake


Presents information about the developers behind this bot.
Aliases: info, developers


Establishes the AFK (Away From Keyboard) status for this server.


Retrieves and displays the avatar of a specified user.
Aliases: av, pfp


Retrieves and displays the banner of a specified user.
Aliases: userbanner


Provides detailed information about all available commands.
Aliases: h, commands


Provides the official invite links for Groot, allowing users to join and engage with the platform.
Aliases: links, inv


Retrieves the latency or ping of the bot, indicating the response time between the bot and the server.
Aliases: pong


To get information about user.


Retrieves the profile of the user.
Aliases: pf


Get info about the bot, shards, clusters, and more!
Aliases: shard, debug, shardinfo, shards


Vote for Groot!
Aliases: voteme


Clears the entire track queue and stops the player, removing all tracks from playback.
Aliases: clearqueue, cq, qc, queueclear


Fixes voice lag error by troubleshooting network, adjusting settings, and optimizing server performance.
Aliases: fixvoice


Fixes voice lag error by troubleshooting network, adjusting settings, and optimizing server performance.
Aliases: forcefixvoice


Fast forwards a song, allowing you to skip ahead to a specific section.
Aliases: ff, fastforward, fwd, seek


Plays a song based on a search query or link provided by the user.
Aliases: gmusic, gp


The bot joins your voice channel to enable voice communication.
Aliases: j, connect


Leaves voice, resets player, clears queue.
Aliases: dc, reset, disconnect, stop


Toggle looping your currently playing track
Aliases: repeat


Displays the lyrics of the current song being played, providing the text of the song's lyrics for your reference.
Aliases: lyric


Changes the position of a track in the queue, allowing you to rearrange the order of tracks to your desired position.
Aliases: mv


Pauses the playback of the current track, temporarily stopping the audio without skipping to the next track.
Aliases: wait, break


Plays a song based on a search query or link provided by the user.
Aliases: music, p


Skips to previously played track.
Aliases: pre


Display the queue of this server.
Aliases: q, songlist


Remove a specific or array of tracks.
Aliases: delete


Resumes the current paused song.
Aliases: continue, unpause, r, res


Search for the input and returns a list of results for you to pick from.


Shuffle the queue.


Skip to the next and specific track in queue.
Aliases: s, skipto


Lets you change the bots output volume.
Aliases: vol, v, sound


removed duplicates
Aliases: rdp


Rewinds a song (default 10 seconds).
Aliases: backward, rwd


Manage your playlists!
Aliases: pl


Enables 24/7 mode, allowing the bot to remain in the voice channel even after a song ends.
Aliases: 24_7, 24/7, 24h


Toggels whether Groot will automatically play releated songs after the Queue has run out
Aliases: ap


Add or remove channel from ignore list
Aliases: ignorech, igch, blacklistchannel, blacklistch, blch


Sets the play mode of the bot!
Aliases: mode, pm, play-mode


Change/View prefix in your server.


Sets the details in the voice channel status message.
Aliases: channelstatus, statuschannel, chanstatus